Packing slip in SemiOps uses five distinct items – order number, ship from location, ship to location, ship date and the ship method. Sometimes, you may need to update the shipping details of an order. You may have an order that was set to ship from a location based off of what’s on the purchase order but things changed and now you want it to ship from a different location or it was set to ship from the same location but you don’t have enough inventory levels to fulfill the full order, so you may split it into multiple packing slips. Now this order will have to be shipped from two different locations or different ship methods. With the Split/Merge option, you can change these shipping details.
If there is another packing slip that meets the same five qualifications of the updated packing slip, then it will group them together. For example, if both the packing slips have the same order number, ship from location, ship to location, ship date and ship method, it will merge them. So instead of having two different packing slips, it will now qualify as one packing slip. This way you don’t have to invoice separately and send 2 invoices to the customer. Merging helps with consolidation and makes it clear and concise throughout the system.
The split option is useful when the shipment details need to be changed and the packing slip needs to be split up into multiple shipments in order to be able to get that out to the customer as quickly as possible. You can choose to split or merge a packing slip at that packing stage of that shipment.
The packing slip impacts invoicing and has a one-to-one relationship with it, one packing slip per one invoice. It ties back to the shipment as well as the sales order. It is an easy way to track everything and see the consolidated list as the revenue reports are run based off of the packing slip number and the order number.
The customer history transaction as well as any customer details that you look at in SemiOps are tied to the packing slip and so it’s important to allow the customer to have flexibility when it comes to split/merge option. All of the shipping documents are based off of the packing slip and it is used as a reference for your shipment. It also shows on the Semiops inventory tracking reports.
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