With Tensoft FSM’s Production Planning, you can quickly and accurately schedule backlog shipment dates, drive creation of your production orders (“PR” or production release), and gain insight into planning action items related to production scheduling or exception management. All of the information that you need is already available in Tensoft FSM: WIP and inventory and supply […]
Supply Chain Optimization – What Is It?
This is the first in a series of blogs on supply chain optimization. There are a number of definitions for supply chain optimization. Our perspective is a broad definition, where the goal of supply chain optimization is to maximize revenue and/or product margins by building the right thing at the right time for the right […]
From Semicon Southeast Asia 2016: Predictions for Changes to the Semiconductor Business Model
Bob Scarborough and I are here in Penang Malaysia, and have just attended the first day of Semicon Southeast Asia 2016. Along with four other industry leaders, Bob presented at the Supply Chain in High Tech Industry Forum. Bob’s topic was “Optimizing the High Tech Supply Chain in the Era of IoT” – we’ll be […]
An Introduction to Standard Costing in the Technology Industry
[The following is a partial transcription of the beginning of a recorded Tensoft FSM training webcast, which is available to anyone who’s interested – see video here.] “While semiconductor manufacturing is a process, it also has fixed outcomes, which makes it unique. So it’s not really process manufacturing like food, oil and gas, or paint […]