Most companies in the semiconductor industry typically use the Standard Costing method and so we have a great deal of experience using it. In fact, Tensoft SemiOps uses the Standard Cost model. You set up a goal or standard for what you expect to pay your vendors or what you expect the output yield to […]
Standard Inventory Costing for Fabless Semiconductor Companies
Since most of our high tech and fabless semiconductor customers use standard costing, we’ve had quite a bit of experience advising companies on how to set up standard costing, and thought it might be of interest to a wider audience as well. As a starting point here then, I’d like to spend a little time […]
An Introduction to Standard Costing in the Technology Industry
[The following is a partial transcription of the beginning of a recorded Tensoft SemiOps training webcast, which is available to anyone who’s interested – see video here.] “While semiconductor manufacturing is a process, it also has fixed outcomes, which makes it unique. So it’s not really process manufacturing like food, oil and gas, or paint […]
Standard vs Actual Cost: Choosing the Best Method in the Semiconductor Industry
Within the fabless semiconductor industry the standard cost approach is usually the norm, but some still argue for the use of actual cost. In reality, actual cost methods – such as specific identification, moving average, FIFO, and LIFO – are less able to deal with the complexities of the semiconductor industry. Actual cost is a […]
VIDEO: Inventory Value and Standard Cost
The following is a transcript of the video clip below, which was taken from the Tensoft SemiOps (previously known as Tensoft FSM) customer webcast entitled “Standard Cost: Theory and Practice in Tensoft FSM,” featuring Bob Scarborough, Tensoft’s CEO. This complimentary training was originally presented live for Tensoft SemiOps customers. Since the instructional material covered in […]
Momentum 2.0: Empowering Tensoft Customers
We are pleased to announce Momentum 2.0 – Tensoft’s online user conference – for the third quarter of 2020. Open to Tensoft customers, it will be hosted on September 22 and 23. Momentum is an opportunity for our customers to get in-depth training, to interact, to get insight on the new product updates and to […]
Standard Inventory Costing for Fabless Semiconductor Companies
Since most of our high tech and fabless semiconductor customers use standard costing, we’ve had quite a bit of experience advising companies on how to set up standard costing, and thought it might be of interest to a wider audience as well. As a starting point here then, I’d like to spend a little time […]
VIDEO: Inventory Value and Standard Cost
The following is a transcript of the video clip above, which was taken from the Tensoft FSM customer webcast entitled “Standard Cost: Theory and Practice in Tensoft FSM,” featuring Bob Scarborough, Tensoft’s CEO. This complimentary training was originally presented live for Tensoft FSM customers. Since the instructional material covered in this video blog is appropriate […]
An Introduction to Standard Costing in the Technology Industry
[The following is a partial transcription of the beginning of a recorded Tensoft FSM training webcast, which is available to anyone who’s interested – see video here.] “While semiconductor manufacturing is a process, it also has fixed outcomes, which makes it unique. So it’s not really process manufacturing like food, oil and gas, or paint […]