In DemandOps, we have introduced a new Operations Dashboard to provide you with a quick snapshot of your business. The three pages in the dashboard– Key ratios view, Revenue view and Top 10 view – provide visibility into your sales operations and the opportunity to improve your internal business processes to streamline the entire order […]
Benefits of Using Service Items in Tensoft DemandOps
Service items are useful to simplify the process of creating and invoicing orders for non-inventory items that need to be included in a Sales Order. These may be items like engineering services, warranty fees, prepayments and NRE’s. In Tensoft DemandOps, there is the functionality to flag a saleable part as a Service item and by […]
Get to Know the DemandOps APIs
In a previous blog post, we covered some of the APIs in Tensoft SemiOps. Here is a list of Tensoft DemandOps APIs that you may find useful. GetBookings. This is a listing of bookings by customer and sales order. Bookings is the net change in a sales order value. For example, you book an order […]
Tensoft EDI Integrations: How Does It Work?
Tensoft’s customers sometimes require EDI integration as part of their overall ERP/supply chain system. (EDI is Electronic Data Interchange – a B2B standard that has been in place for a long time.) Some Tensoft customers require automated creation of sales orders and invoicing using EDI to deal with their customers. This is particularly useful in […]